UI/UX Designer
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India's leading recognized professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT. IETE SF MEC is the student branch of IETE in Model Engineering College(MEC).
My Contributions
When a new group of strong leaders take the stage, they need a website which portrays the same. I was honored to have received the chance to create the UX for their new website. It took me nearly 2 weeks to create the wireframe and design after considering everyones opinions.
UI/UX Designer
August 2021 - September 2021

You can view the entire project here!

I was known for designing beforehand, but not UI/UX. This was also my first UX Project. Thank you @Nikhil Mathew for considering me for this role and trusting in my skills although I was not experienced.

Since UX was the first step to building a website, I had to get it done fast so that the Web Developer could begin creating the website. I started wireframing the moment I was given the news, trying my best to give unique features at every section with no repetition. I designed in the order a user would move through in the website. It took awhile, but the core team seemed to like the wireframe.

Once the wireframing was done, majority of my work was finished. All that was left to do was add typography and colors. Designing was my strength, so it was not hard. I chose the color palette and font-style carefully, so as to not loose the formal and elegant feel of the website. Finally I prototyped the design and added the motion between pages.

I began with the desktop view of the website. Once everyone seemed to like it, I continued with the mobile version. It was a overwhelming but enjoyable experience.