Snake Game Project

July 2021 - August 2021
This is my first trial of using Python to create a game. It was a really great experience. I tried to recreate the old snake game in Python, where the snake eats the food circle to grow longer and faster. Although saying it is way easier than implementing it, through this project I realized that I enjoyed step-by-step coding to solve a problem.
My Contributions
I referred websites like edureka, geekforgeeks and videos in youtube to get the overall gist of the implementation. But apart from the basic functionalities, I have also added additional functions which makes the game even more interesting.
Snake Game Project
Sole Contributor
July 2021 - August 2021
I always had the urge to create a project using Python due to its versatile features and simple language, but never got around to it as I got busy with various club activities. This Snake Game is my first Python project and I thoroughly enjoyed creating it.

Before I began the project, I searched on how to set up the pygame module and how to implement a simple window. I watched tutorials in edureka and geekforgeeks whenever I got stuck, took my time to understand the concept and continued the project.

I kept a simple checklist of things I have implemented. I felt a sense of relief, which grew through the project, whenever I checked a completed task. The first task was to create a pygame window, then to give it a background color, then to print the snake on the window and move it, and so on until the game was finished.

Now that its done, I feel that I have understood many concepts in Python and functions in pygame module to use in any later projects.

You can view the entire project here!
