Tic-Tac-Toe Game

October 2021 - November 2021
Games always fascinate me and with my interest in machine learning, I created an Unbeatable tic-tac-toe game using the minimax algorithm. This algorithm makes the computer win every time no matter how hard the user tries to win. It was really fun to code and test this project.
My Contributions
I tackled the problem step-by-step wherein I solved parts of the problem. This was a great learning adventure and I enjoyed coding the game. I never tried to rush through the process as I like everything neat and precise, which takes time. Every snippet of code I write and testing it at every step was really interactive and fun.
Uunbeatable TicTacToe
October 2021 - November 2021
Sole Contributor

You can view the entire project here!

I enjoy designing a lot, but I also love to code. This project was a combination of both, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Similar to the snake project, I split the project into smaller stages to help me accomplish the mission easier. Beginning with the simple window display, to configuring the colors and designing the layout for the game, to actually coding the design and algorithm was inspiring.

The game uses a machine-learning algorithm ,called minimax algorithm, which makes sure that the computer always wins no matter how hard the user tries. This algorithm simultaneously minimizes the chance of user to win while maximizing the chance of computer to win. Although it sounds complicated, it was a beginner friendly algorithm and a lot of fun to code and test.

The final draft of the game uses the pygame module of python, has a resizable window, an option for the user to play any letter and replay function.