File Manager App

UI/UX Designer
This was a project I did as part of a UX Workshop conducted by DSC MEC and DevQuest. It consists of detailed research and designing of a File Manager App according to principles of UX Designing.
My Contributions
I learned so much during the workshop and applied all of it into my project. From creating a user flow diagram to sketching out the wireframe and finally designing the UX and prototyping, everything was really fun to do!
File Manager App
UX Designer
August 2021

You can view the entire project here!

File_Manager_App/UX in Figma
I was a person who was always interested in designing. When I came across UI/UX Designing, I knew I have to try it out! It was a chance to design products and software for others taking in their perspective and requirements.

The UX Workshop conducted by DSC MEC in collaboration with DevQuest was the perfect introductory session to UX Designing. I learnt a lot from the Workshop, which I was able to follow through my project. I wanted to try something different, so I tried to design a simple File Manager App.

I started by thinking about the features in my app, which I used to created my user flow diagram. After fixing the different features, I started thinking about how the user interface will look by sketching the wireframe of the app. The next step was my absolute favorite where I got to design the user interface and user experience. I also enjoyed prototyping the project, which in turn adds the final user experience touch.

The final design contains a 60:30:10 color scheme and basic prototyping required to understand the aim of the app. The File Manager not only shows you the various file present in your other apps, but also adds an additional feature of starring important files to easily retrieve them.